Nazarbayev: CSTO united not only by common threats but common vision to combat them

According to the Head of Kazakh State, emphasis during the meeting of the CSTO member states has been on military cooperation, which was the main theme of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the Organization in 2012.
Nursultan Nazarbayev thanked leaders of the CSTO member states for their active involvement and support of Kazakhstan's initiatives. Central Asia situation is the key point of the session. In this regard, the Central Asian sector implements joint plans to combat drug trafficking and improve the collective rapid reaction force, establish a common system of collective defense.
As the President of Kazakhstan noted, security threats amid Afghanistan situation were also discussed during the session.
"I consider important the establishment of the system of collective response to emergency situations on the basis of our organization. Kazakhstan has provided a training ground "Astana -Rock city," the President added.
As Nazarbayev stressed CSTO is united not only by common threats, but also a common vision to combat them.
"We stand for the priority of international law in dealing with any difficult matters and unconditional respect for the sovereignty and interests of all members. We will continue to coordinate our work in the UN and other international organizations," the Leader of the nation concluded.