Nazarbayev explained power redistribution reform

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - On January 25, 2017 President Nursultan Nazarbayev addressed with a message about redistribution of the authority among government bodies. The press service of Akorda has published the text of the President's message.    

"[...]The forthcoming reform is based on the logic of our development and the logic of modern development in general. The main point is that the President gives a number of his authorities to the Parliament and Government. A strong presidential vertical was necessary to us to overcome the big challenges of our formation as a state, and it has paid off. [...]

However the world changes in the eyes today.

The essence of the offered reform is critical redistribution of the authority, and democratization of the political system in general.

In the new conditions the President's priority will be the strategic function and role of the Supreme arbitrator in the relations between the branches of the power. The head of state will also concentrate on foreign policy, homeland security and defense capability of the country.

The role of the Government and Parliament will be increased.

First of all it is necessary to transfer a considerable part of the authority of the President related to regulation of social and economic processes to the Government and other executive bodies. The Government, ministries and akimats will be responsible for this sphere. [...] About 40 functions can be transferred either to the Government, or the Parliament.

[...] Secondly, a more complex challenge is to balance the relations between the branches of the power at the constitutional level.

It is important to strengthen the role of the Parliament in formation of the Government, to increase the responsibility of the Ministers' Office to the deputy corps.

The party which wins the parliament elections will be influence formation of the Government. Proceeding from it, it will be reasonable for the Government to resign authority before newly elected Mazhilis, but not the President as it was earlier.

[...] It is reasonable to transfer to the Government the function of approval of state programs for which it will bear total responsibility.

The president can refuse from the right to cancel or suspend the acts of the Government and the Prime Minister.

All this will increase the responsibility of executive state agencies and their heads and will give the necessary authority.

The norms of passing presidential decrees which have the effect of the law are no longer relevant.

It is offered to strengthen the role of the Parliament in respect of the local executive authority.

[...] I intentionally go for delegation of a considerable part of authority which are possessed by the president. I do it for the single reason - to build a more effective, steady, modern management system.

Thirdly, in the world there is no universal model of a state system. Everybody is in search.

We have never copied others models of state system. [...] the proposed reform is first of all based on Kazakhstan's experience and needs.



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