Nazarbayev: Kazakhstan broke through in international cooperation and raising foreign investments in 2009

"In whole I can say we have reached a breakthrough in the issue of attraction of foreign investments and international cooperation in 2009. Due to the top-level contacts with such countries as South Korea, China, Italy, France, turkey, Belarus we have entered into agreements regarding joint projects worth over USD 25 bln", the President noted.
"These documents provide for construction of large industrial projects in Kazakhstan: Balkhash Thermal Power Plant, Beineu-Bozoi gas pipeline, manufacturing fuel surcharges for an atomic power station of Kazatomprom NC and France's AREVA, modernization of Atyrau Oil Refinery, construction of a gas processing plant, a shipyard, a gas-turbine electric station of ENI company and a plant on production of railroad bitumen together with China", N. Nazarbayev specified.
"To my mind this sets the best pattern of investors' trust to sustainability and stability of Kazakhstan economy", the Head of the State highlighted.