Nazarbayev proposed to adopt UN universal declaration on nuclear safe world

NEW YORK. KAZINFORM Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to adopt a universal declaration of the United Nations on the nuclear-weapon-free world. The Kazakh Leader said it delivering a speech at the 70th jubilee session of the UN General Assembly in New York yesterday.

"This year we mark the 70th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing and I propose to make nuclear-weapon-free world the main goal of the mankind in the 21st century. I propose to adopt a universal declaration of the United Nations on nuclear-weapon-free world. We are the first country in the world to close its nuclear testing site and abandon the fourth in the world nuclear arsenal. We are the country which has established a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia. We need to establish such nuclear safe zones in other regions of the planet, in particular, in the Middle East," Nazarbayev said.

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