18:59, 05 May 2009 | GMT +5
Nazarbayev receives Kazakh Prosecutor General
ASTANA-AKORDA. May 5. KAZINFORM President Nursultan Nazarbayev receives Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Mami; Kazinform refers to the President?s press service.

Kairat Mami reported to the President on implementation of the presidential instructions to ensure legality, protection of rights and freedoms of citizens, interests of the society and the state protected by law, including legality of utilization of funds allocated for the anti-crisis measures.
There has been a shift of emphasis to the social and economic sphere in the activities of the Prosecutor General?s Office.
The Prosecutor General also informed the head of state on the measures being taken on strengthening Coordination Council of the Law-Enforcement Bodies. The headquarters on organization of the work on timely and proper investigation of corruption cases has been established.