Nazarbayev’s visit to USA is historical one - expert
The expert has commented on chairmanship of Kazakhstan in the UN Security Council to Kazinform in Moscow.
According to Roman Yakovlevskiy the situation associated with threats between Pyongyang and Washington which posed a hazard to the entire world, did not gain traction due to Kazakhstan's diplomacy which created the necessary communication channels with the UN and within other international formats.
"As is known, in January 2018 Kazakhstan chaired the UN Security Council for the first time as a Non-Permanent Member of the UNSC. Kazakhstan's work received immediate dynamics which revived almost all UN members. Astana had come out with initiatives and solutions on nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction before it was elected as a non-permanent member and chairman of the UNSC. As the chairman and non-permanent member Kazakhstan received a chance to draw the world's attention to these problems, especially when the crisis broke out in North Korea, the world's nuclear power.
The entire term of Kazakhstan's chairmanship was ongoing to the accompaniment of mutual threats between Pyongyang and Washington. Fortunately, the dangerous situation did not evolve, and the credit for this goes to Kazakhstan's diplomacy which managed to set up the necessary communication channels with the UN and within other international formats", said the expert.
Yakovlevskiy emphasized the role of President Nursultan Nazarbayev in settlement of the conflict.
"By virtue of the historical and personal characteristics of Kazakhstan's First President, his role in all the processes, Syria and Ukraine initiatives, inspire with respect and acknowledgement of his merits. It would be natural for Nursultan Nazarbayev to appear a nominee for Nobel Peace Prize which would be the example of such acknowledgement.
The expert also pointed out that we should not forget that during the entire term of its chairmanship Astana has always worked in line with the priorities outlined in the Political Message of Nursultan Nazarbayev to the UNSC "Kazakhstan's Conceptual Vision of Strengthening Global Partnership for Building Safe, Fair and Prosperous World."