13:09, 01 December 2012 | GMT +5
Nazarbayev to visit Karaganda rgn
KARAGANDA. December 1. KAZINFORM President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev will pay a working visit to Karaganda region, the press service of Akorda informed.

The Kazakh President is expected to visit Akimat of Temirtau town, JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau Company to familiarize with operation of continuous casting machine.
Besides, Nursultan Nazarbayev will attend Triumph Ball devoted to the First Kazakh President and Karaganda State Technical University.
In addition, industrial projects of Karaganda region will be presented to the Head of State. The final point of the visiting program will be attending of Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Karaganda.