NAZIR TOREKULOV (1892-1937) – an outstanding political and public figure, linguist and diplomat, the first Ambassador of the Soviet Union to Saudi Arabia.
He graduated from the Kokand Commercial Academy. In 1914-1916 he studied at the Moscow Commercial Institute. The name of N.Torekulov is among the names of the Alash movemen heroes. He apprehended the miseries that the Russian colonization will bring to Turkestan. He openly expressed his thoughts in articles and reports published in Tashkent and Moscow. The czar?s government and Bolsheviks viewed Turkestan as raw-exports source for Russia and were not interested in its cultural formation and even obstructed its growth and development. N.Torekulov holds one of the most important places in the political life of Turkestan. T.Ryskulov, S.Kozhanov, M.Tynyshpayev, K.Dosmukhamedov were aware of how difficult it will be to build the statehood in the country with low literacy, and therefore paid more attention to the people?s enlightment, and opened the first Kazakh university in Tashkent. N.Torekulov was one of the originators of this idea. Holding major posts, he took main decisions on political and cultural issues. In 1928 he was appointed authorized representative of the Soviet Union to Saudi Arabia. In two years N.Torekulov became first Kazakh Ambassador in the Soviet Union. Nazir Torekulov was a high-skilled diplomat. At short notice he learnt the Arabian language, culture and folklore of nationalities, which live in Saudi Arabia. He promoted strengthening of friendly ties with Afghanistan, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Jordan. N.Torekulov was accused of nationalism for support of representatives of Alash Orda movement like A.Bokeikhanov, A.Baiturssynov and M.Zhumabayev. In 1937 he was repressed, On January 28, 1958 he was rehabilitated. Source: Kazakhstan, National encyclopedia, vol.5 ?Historical Figures? book
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