Nearly 40 kids hospitalized with measles each day in Astana

measles cases
Photo credit: Viktor Fedyunin, Kazinform

220 children are under treatment for measles at the infectious diseases hospital in Astana, Gulnaz Dosmyrzayeva, deputy head of the healthcare office of the city, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports. 

Speaking at a briefing, Dosmyrzayeva said that 220 children are being treated for measles at the children’s infectious diseases hospital, of whom two in the intensive care unit. The bed occupancy stands at 44%.

The children’s hospital admits 35-40 kids with measles each day. 114 children receive outpatient treatment from measles at the city clinics, said the deputy head of the healthcare office of Astana.

She recalled that vaccination plays a key role in preventing the disease, adding that all the clinics continue with the additional mass immunization of children against measles from six months to 10 months and 29 days, as well as from two to four years old.

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