Necessary to look for internal sources of investments for economy?s diversification: Majilis Deputy

ASTANA. May 6. KAZINFORM /Kurmat Samarkhan/ ?It is necessary to look for internal sources of investments for the diversification of the economy?, Deputy of the Majilis (Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament) Kenzhegali Sagadiyev said at the session of ?Orleu? economic club under ?Nur Otan? Party on Tuesday.
?We can?t rely on big inflow of foreign investments any more. In spite of it, we must keep on certain economy?s growth rates in Kazakhstan, promote the process of diversification?, the Deputy noted. ?Today Kazakhstan has savings enough to provide necessary rates of economic growth. But it is necessary to stimulate these savings as further investment sources. In this regard it is necessary to work on instruments needed. The stock market is one of such instruments?, K.Sagadiyev said. ?The stock market of Kazakhstan is that place where big enough investment resources of Kazakhstan could be gathered and further redistributed. I think, we should elaborate a model or policy on accumulation of internal savings and turn them into corresponding investments?, the Majilisman said.
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