New garden in Astana - present from South Korea

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The solemn opening of the Kazakhstan-South Korea Friendship Garden was held in Astana today.

The project was agreed on three years ago during President Nazarbayev's visit to the Republic of Korea which invested $1.7 million into it.

Akim (mayor) of Astana city Asset Issekeshev thanked South Korea for the gift on behalf of residents and administration.

"This project is very important for us. And you know that the Head of State's initiative on developing a green belt around the city is one of our priorities. Therefore, parks and squares are actively being built in Astana, a botanical garden with a park zone is also under construction. All this allows us to improve the ecology and develop a green belt inside the city," he said.
The main building in the garden is the Belltower of Friendship. The sound of the bell symbolizes the beginning and the end of the year in Korea. During the ceremony it was struck by South Korean Ambassador to Kazakhstan Kim Dae-sik, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan Yerlan Nyssanbayev and mayor of Astana Asset Issekeshev.

"The pond, the belltower, the garden with beautiful trees, and the walks contain many positive emotions, such as friendship, love, respect, peace, security, happiness and affection for the Kazakh people," Ambassador Kim Dae-sik added.

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