New Kazakhstan discussions impossible without regard for global change trends

ALMATY. KAZINFORM Kazakh Secretary of State Yerlan Karin addressed the X Congress of Political Analysts themed A «New Kazakhstan» in a new world held in Almaty. It brings together leading analysts, political scientists, historians, Kazinform learnt from the Akorda press service.

Karin noted it is crucial to conduct a thoughtful and all-round analysis of all the processes occurring in the country and world. It is necessary to debate events and processes from all points of view to get a quality analysis. He stressed that the key trends of the development of global political and economic processes should be taken into account while debating a «New Kazakhstan». He focused on the initiatives of the President on political modernization, highlighting the importance of the constitutional reform and forthcoming republican referendum.

According to him, the constitutional reform will let move from a super-presidential model to a presidential republic, redistribution of powers and authority, strengthening the role and status of the Parliament, and strengthening constitutional mechanisms for the protection of people’s rights.

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