10:46, 18 January 2013 | GMT +5
Next expedition to start off towards ISS March 27
NEW YORK. January 18. KAZINFORM Russian spaceship Soyuz with an international crew aboard will take members of the next expedition to the International Space Station March 27, 2013, from the Baikonur Space Center in Kazakhstan, lead flight director Tony Ceccacci told a news briefing at the Lyndon Johnson Space Center in Houston.

According to him, members of Expedition 35/36 - commander Pavel Vinogradov and flight engineer Alexander Misurkin, both of Russia, and NASA flight engineer Christopher Cassidy - will stay in orbit for 167 days. Their return to the Earth has been scheduled for September 11, Itar-Tass informs.
The standby crew includes Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kotov and Sergei Ryazansky and U.S. astronaut Michael Hopkins.
Expedition 35/36 crewmembers will join the Russian Roman Romanenko, the American Thomas Mashburn, and the Canadian Chris Hadfield, who are already working in orbit as part of the Expedition 34/35 crew.