Next meeting of CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers set to take place in Astana this fall

Photo: Alexander Pavskiy/Kazinform

Nine draft documents were under consideration at the expanded meeting of the CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers, Director General Imangali Tassmagambetov said, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

As CSTO Director General Tassmagambetov said, the CSTO Collective Security Council’s resolutions on the target interstate program of the CSTO on strengthening the Tajik-Afghan border as well as on changes to the budget of the organization for 2024 were submitted for approval.

According to him, all the documents underwent regular procedures of approval in the CSTO member states, were finalized within the CSTO Permanent Council format.

Photo: Alexander Pavskiy/Kazinform

Some draft resolutions were already approved during the meetings of the Council of Defense Ministries held on May 31 and the Committee of Secretaries of the CSTO Security Councils on June 6, he said.

Draft documents passed in regular procedure and ready for adoption and signature are as follow:

- Statement of the ministers of foreign affairs of the CSTO member states on current issues of research and use of space in peaceful purposes;

- Statement of the ministers of foreign affairs of the CSTO member states regarding the 80th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders;

- Statement of the ministers of foreign affairs of the CSTO member states on the situation in the Middle East and North Africa;

- Statement of the ministers of foreign affairs of the CSTO member states on expansion of cooperation in the field of international information security;

- Resolution of the ministers of foreign affairs of the CSTO member states on methodological recommendations for preparation and holding drills of peacekeeping contingents of the Organization’s member countries, being part of the CSTO peacekeeping force;

- Resolution of the ministers of foreign affairs of the CSTO member states regarding methodological recommendations for developing draft international agreements concluded within the CSTO;

- Protocol resolution on the time and venue of the next meeting of the CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers.

Deputy Prime Minister – Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu said that the next meeting of the CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers is to take place in Astana November this year, ahead of the CSTO Collective Security Council meeting.

Earlier, Kazakh Foreign Minister Murat Nurtleu stated the priorities of Kazakhstan’s CSTO presidency.

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