No precipitation forecast in Kazakhstan in 3 days coming

Western and northwestern regions of Kazakhstan  will brace for rainy weather on October 17-19. Rain and sleet as well as strong wind will hit northwestern areas at night. Other regions will enjoy a fair weather, except for light rain forecast on October 18-19. Fog will descend across the country, Kazinform News Agency reports.

weather in Kazakhstan
Photo: Alexander Pavskiy, Kazinform News Agency

According to Kazhydromet, nighttime temperatures will drop to 0+10°C in most regions, and to -3°C  in northern regions and mountainous areas of southeastern Kazakhstan.  

Daytime temperatures will gradually drop from +10+18°C to +5+15°C.

The mercury will surge from +5+15°C to +10+18°C  in eastern, southern and southeastern regions, and from +10+22°C to +15+25°C in southern, southeastern regions 

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