09:58, 24 October 2015 | GMT +5
No precipitation predicted for Kazakhstan Oct 24
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Weather without precipitations is forecasted in most of the territory of Kazakhstan.
According to Kazhydromet, in Atyrau region wind will strengthen to 15-20 mps. Dust storm is expected. Fog will blanket Akmola, Kostanay, Karaganda, Almaty, and North Kazakhstan regions. Fog and strong wind of 15-20 mps is also predicted for Zhambyl and West Kazakhstan regions. Wind of 15-20 mps, dust storm is forecasted in Kyzylorda and Mangystau regions of the country. Strong wind of 15-20 mps is also expected in South Kazakhstan region. However, precipitation in the form of snow and fog is expected in East Kazakhstan region. Weather will be worsened by strong wind blowing with the strength of 15-20 mps.