North Kazakhstan seeks investors for timber projects

PETROPAVLOVSK. KAZINFORM - Timber producers of North Kazakhstan are developing new technologies of wood processing. 

Head of the Department of Natural Resources and Subsoil Management Kabiden Sadvakassov said that every year the region processes around 80-100 thousand cubic meters of local wood.

Last year ABD-Ormany jointly with North-Kazakhstan State University received KZT300 million as a grant for implementation of an environmental project.  There will be introduced technology of turning low productive leaf wood to coniferous-deciduous with non-waste processing and obtaining environmentally pure fuel and raw material for metallurgy.

There are 29 timber companies operating in North Kazakhstan. They arranged 28 shops, established 3 production lines and 3 charcoal plants.

According to region governor Kumar Aksakalov, there should be more timber projects in the region. "We should attract investors", he said.

"Wood is one of potentials of the region. Each year wood grows. There are many wood processing technologies nowadays. We should seek investors who are ready to invest in these projects," Kumar Aksakalov said.



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