10:23, 12 March 2009 | GMT +5
North Kazakhstan to provide additional 14 000 jobs in 2009
PETROPAVLOVSK. March 12. KAZINFORM /Sergey Kuznetsov/ Within the Government?s anti-crisis program North Kazakhstan authorities direct their efforts to preserve jobs, employment and social support of the vulnerable groups of the population.
In 2009 there will be about 14 thousand new jobs Over 4 000 people will be involved in public works. KZT 149 mln is envisaged in the oblast budget for this aim. 412 social work jobs with KZT 16.5 ml financial support are planned to be created together with the employers.
More than 1 000 people will take vocational training. KZT 46.6 mln will be allotted from the local budget for this. Besides 5 717 people will be trained at the employers? expences.