Number of emergency situations reduced by 35% in Astana

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - In the capital, following the results of the year 2013 the number of emergency situations reduced by 35%, informs.

"Over 12 months of the year 2013 emergency exponents reduced in Astana city. For examples, over the past year there were 237 emergency situations, and in comparison with 2013 (370 cases) there is reduction by 35%", it is reported in the message.

These results were announced at the session of the Commission for prevention and eliminations of emergency situations of Astana city, involving deputy akim of Astana city Vasily Krylov, deputy chairman of the Commission of emergency situations, the head of the metropolitan Department of emergency situations major general Meiram Iskakov, deputy head of the Department of emergency situations, colonel Barat Duzakbayev and Commission members, as well as heads of the business facility.

Note that at the meeting they summarized results of the commission's activity in 2013, and discussed tasks for the year 2014. So, in order to prevent emergency situations the Commission decided to continue working on realization of plans and measures on preparation of a system of prevention and elimination of emergency situations. Esil district akim, and the Municipal Economy Administration are tasked to control construction of a rock dam in Ilyinka settlement, and to report the Commission of emergency situations on the works done by the start of the flood period.

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