14:08, 19 February 2014 | GMT +5
Number of exposed corruption-related crimes on the rise in Kazakhstan
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The number of corruption-related crimes exposed in the sphere of the state programs implementation in 2013 increased threefold, compared to 2012.

Deputy Chairman of the Kazakh Agency for Fighting against Economic and Corruption-Related Crimes (Financial Police) Mr. Andrey Lukin revealed the news at a press briefing of the Central Communications Service under the President of Kazakhstan on Wednesday.
"We have exposed up to 300 corruption-related crimes that were committed in the process of implementation of the state programs. The number of such crimes in 2013 increased three times and inflicted damage of KZT 6 billion," A. Lukin said.
He reminded to curb the number of such crimes and control the situation, special passports of corruption-related risks were developed for each region.