Number of tourists visiting Turkestan to reach 5 million

"The Head of State entrusted us to turn Turkestan into the spiritual capital and tourist resort center," said the Governor. "Just yesterday, the millionth tourist arrived in our city, he came from the U.S. The number of tourists arriving in Turkestan has increased by 57.2 percent from a year earlier. We should make maximum use of the region's potential. In order to develop tourism, the 2018-2025 Tourism Industry Development Concept has been drawn up. Implementing it, it is necessary to ramp the number of tourists up to five million by 2025.".
For the same purposes, it is planned to open three hotels, a hostel, two health resorts, and a travel company in Turkestan. 14 tourist facilities (hotels, recreation areas, health resorts) will open by the end of this year.
In addition, the authorities have supported the projects for the development of the Kaskasu ski center, the expansion of the Saryagash resort, and the establishment of beach tourism in the Shardara reservoir.