?Nur Otan? Party and Commission on Human Rights signed Memo on coop

ASTANA. April 29. KAZINFORM /Kurmat Samarkhan/ ?Nur Otan? National Democratic Party and the Commission on Human Rights under the President of Kazakhstan have signed a Memo on cooperation today. The document was signed by Chairman of the Party Darkhan Kaletayev and Chairman of the Commission Saginbek Tursynov.
As D.Kaletayev noted that document is aimed at the activation of the activity on protection of rights and freedoms of human and citizen and adjustment of the legislation to the admitted norms of the international law. As S.Tursynov reminded, Kazakhstan is the first country of post-soviet space that developed basic report in the sphere of human rights protection. ?The document was discussed in Kazakhstan and presented in some European countries, where was highly appraised. On the bases of the report we developed the National Action Plan on the issues of human rights protection in the republic?, he noted. ?We will develop corresponding plan on implementation of the Memo as well?, the Chairman of the Commission noted.
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