Nurlan Urankhayev reports to President on Abai region's socio-economic development in 2023

Nurlan Urankhayev reports to President on Abai region's socio-economic development in 2023
Photo credit: Akorda

Governor of Abai region Nurlan Urankhayev reported to President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on the region’s socio-economic development in 2023, Kazinform News Agency reports citing the press service of Akorda.

According to him, in 2023, Abai region attracted 568.9 billion tenge of investments, which is 132.7% more compared to the previous year. The volume of private investments increased by 131.5%. The number of operating SMEs reached 53,200 having increased by 107.1%.

In 2023, the region’s industrial output augmented by 105.1%. Agricultural sector reported 103.5% growth, and the volume of construction works rose by 119.1%.

In line with the President’s instruction, the region is currently implementing a comprehensive socio-economic development plan which includes 102 action items with 19 trillion tenge of investments. The region is working on the projects of construction of a coal chemical complex at the Karazhyra deposit and the third wind power plant with the capacity of 1GW.The region’s authorities pay special attention to the development of interregional near-border cooperation. The region signed agreements on joint investment projects and construction of a temporary border crossing point with the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. Another issue in spotlight is possible launch of Semey-Tacheng direct flight, which is expected to bolster tourism. Besides, the region signed a road map on development of cooperation with Tatarstan.

The Head of State was also informed about the course of development of a feasibility study for the Thermal Power Plant 3 construction project.

The region also plans to implement 46 water supply projects to ensure 100% coverage of local population with drinking water.

As for social sector, local authorities plan to build 11 schools for 5,700 students by 2025 under the Comfortable School project. 65 primary healthcare facilities worth 10.8 billion tenge will be built until 2025 under the Rural Healthcare Modernization programme.

At the end of the meeting, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev set a number of tasks to Nurlan Urankhayev regarding further development of the region and improvement of people’s wellbeing. 

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