NURTAS DANDIBAYEVICH ONDASSYNOV (1904-1989) – outstanding state and public figure.
He was born in South Kazakhstan oblast. He graduated from the Forest Technical College in Turkestan. He worked in the Commissariat for Land of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1938 he became a Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee of East Kazakhstan oblast. Then Nurtas held a post of a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. In difficult times during 13 years he was a Chairman of the Kazakh Council of People's Commissars. Becoming a head of the government, he strove for illiteracy liquidation in the country. N.Ondassynov was responsible for the culture issues as a member of the Kazakhstan Central Committee. He opened the teachers' college for women, National Conservatory, Physical Culture Institute, Polytechnic Institute, and Engineering Institute. N.Ondassynov was an initiator of an opening of the regional theatres, philharmonic societies, song and dance ensembles. He helped create Academy of Sciences in Kazakhstan. He promoted heading of the Academy of Sciences by K.Satpayev. He liked the thoughts expressed by K.Satpayev in a newspaper on the occasion of the future of science?. Then Nurtas invited him to Moscow and introduced him to President of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.Komarov as a future President of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences. At the beginning of 1942 N.Ondassynov met literate D.Kunayev. Nurtas offered him a post of his deputy. D.Kunayev was N.Ondassynov?s deputy during the 10 years. N.Ondassynov played a special role in Kazakhstan?s formation as a future oil empire. Nobody paid attention to the Mangyshlak oil till 1968. N.Ondassynov invited two professors from the I.Gubkin Moscow University to study oil reserves. N.Ondassynov knew the Arabic and Persian languages. In 1969 ?The Arab-Kazakh Defining Dictionary? was published, in 1974 ? ?The Persian-Kazakh Defining Dictionary?. The dictionaries have big scientific value. During his trip to Kostanay Nurtas saw a talented boy-shepherd and helped him obtain education in Almaty. That was Khakim Nauryzbayev ? the first Kazakh sculptor, author of a monument to Abai in Almaty. N.Ondassynov was awarded with three Orders of Lenin and two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, many medals and certificates of merit. The village and the Shymkent humanitarian school-gymnasium are named after Nurtas. Reference: Kazakhstan, National encyclopedia, vol.4 ?Historical figures? book ?Zhalyn? journal, # 9, 2009
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