OECD forum to be held in S.Korea this week

Under the theme of "The Future of Well-being," the OECD World Forums on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy will run in Songdo, west of Seoul, from Tuesday to Thursday, Statistics Korea said.
South Korea's Finance Minister Kim Dong-yeon will deliver the opening speech, with OECD Secretary-General Jose Angel Gurria and other well-known figures, such as Jeffrey D. Sachs, a professor of Economics at Columbia University, and Joseph E. Stiglitz, another Columbia University faculty member, attending the three-day forum.
Participants will discuss people's well-being and inclusive growth as the ultimate focus for policies and collective action.
They will moreover exchange views on what measures and actions are needed to foster well-being, the new modes of governance that are needed to ensure inclusive growth and sustainable well-being in the coming years. Experts are also set to discuss opportunities and challenges presented by the "digital transformation."