Oil and gas, RES and nuclear energy: What energy projects will SCO states cooperate in?

Oil and gas, RES and atomic energy: What energy projects will SCO states cooperate in?
Photo credit: Akorda

The Summit of the Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held in Astana on July 3-4 ended adopted the 2030 Energy Cooperation Strategy. The Kazakh Ministry of Energy unveiled the projects the SCO member countries are set to cooperate in, Kazinform News Agency reports.

According to the Strategy, the SCO member states agreed to deepen cooperation and exchange experience in implementation of projects in oil and gas, electric power industry, renewable and low-carbon energy sources, peaceful use of nuclear energy, coal industry, energy saving and energy efficiency raising.

The document also provides for development of transit potential, exploring the possibility of diversification of export routes, assistance in raising security and reliability of oil and gas transport infrastructure.

The participants of the Organization express interest in creation of joint projects on manufacture of hydrocarbon-based products including petrochemical products.

The sides intend to explore the opportunities of interconnection of the electrical power infrastructure in the SCO space, as well as the integration of various energy sources, development of cooperation in establishment of the SCO regional electricity markets.

The sides agreed to regularly exchange knowledge in electrical power, joint study of electrical power accumulation, as well as in simplification of the procedures of connecting to electricity networks. The participants also agreed to consider the issue of investing in modernization, reconstruction and repair of capacities.

The document aims at boosting cooperation in production and export of energy equipment, exchange of experience in long-term plans of development of electricity and heat supply systems in regions.

As per the document, the SCO member states will develop cooperation in renewable and low-carbon energy sources. The sides agreed to study the possibility of increasing production and consumption of RES volumes and reduction of greenhouse emissions. The renewable energy sources are planned to be used both for energy supply in large cities and for the use of small-scale RES facilities by households, SMEs, including for ensuring power supply to remote settlements.

In order to increase public awareness of the safety of nuclear technologies, the energy authorities of the SCO countries agreed to exchange experience and best practices in conducting information and explanatory work with the involvement of the expert and scientific community.

The countries also agreed to expand cooperation in the field of new types of fuels.

“The parties intend to cooperate in the field of uranium products, agreed upon by the parties, used for peaceful purposes, and also to explore the possibilities of interaction within the SCO,” the strategy reads.

On top of that, the sides will study the opportunity of establishing a scientific-technical center for atomic cooperation of the SCO member states.

The authorized structures of the SCO member states, with the assistance of the SCO Secretariat, will draft a roadmap for the Strategy's implementation.

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