Oil transportation via Aktau, Kuryk ports should be increased to 20mln tonnes per annum - Tokayev

AKTAU. KAZINFORM Mangistau region has a huge potential for its advantageous geographical location. The objective we face today is to rationally use our advantages and make the region a world-level transport and transit hub. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said it at the meeting with the public of the region in Aktau, Kazinform reports.

Aktau city-port is widely regarded as the sea gates of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said.

Amid the reshaping global logistics chains, the role of the Caspian Sea has sharply increased , he stressed.

«We plan to implement a number of activities aimed at the attraction of investments in port infradtructure development and establishment of a container and transport-logistics hub,» said the President.

With the consideration of the current situation at the global markets, further development of the Trans-Caspian route gains a special significance.

«We have a mutual understanding on this issue with our partners. We need to increase the capacities of Aktau and Kuryk ports and raise oil transportation volumes to 20mln tonnes per annum,» the Head of State said.

Photo from open sources

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