Orynbek Zhautykov (1911-1989) is a scientist, doctor of mathematical sciences, professor, academician of Academy of Science of the Kazakh SSR, honored worker of science of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR.

He was born in Kyzylaray village of Aktogay municipality of Karaganda region.

He graduated from Abay Kazakh Pedagogical Institute and worked there as an assistant. His scientific activity he started in 1939 in Leningrad as a postgraduate of famous mathematician, professor of Leningrad State University I. Natanson. His scientific interests were formed under the influence of such well-known mathematicians as V. Smirnov, L. Kantorovich. N. Erugin, N. Artemyev and others.

The first time O. Zhutykov worked as senior scientific worker, in 1951-1965 he was the head of the Sector for Mathematics and Mechanics of the AS of the Kazakh SSR; in 1965-196 he was the deputy director, head of the laboratory of the Institute for Mechanics and Mathematics; in 1969-1989 he was the member of the Presidium of the Kazakh SSR Academy of Science and in 1985-1989 he was the head of the laboratory of the same institute.

He made an important contribution to the theory of differential equations with partial differentials of the first order. He developed the method which let to get an insight into the solution in the case of denumerable number of independent variables.

In 1974 O. Zhautykov jointly with K. Valeyev published monograph "Infinite Differential Equation Systems". The book met with wide recognition far beyond the USSR. In 1976 O. Zhautykov was awarded with the rank of laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR in the field of science and engineering.

Academician O. Zhautykov participated in many congresses, sessions, conferences devoted to discussion of modern issues of mathematics and engineering held in the Soviet Soyuz and abroad.

He wrote the first textbook on mathematical analysis in Kazakh language published in 1958 which became an important event in the life of high school of Kazakhstan. O. Zhautykov made efforts for the organization of the National Physics-Mathematical School in Almaty which later received his name. Small Academy of Sciences for schoolchildren was organized in Almaty according to his initiative.

He was awarded with the Order of October Revolution, two orders of "The Sign of Honor", medals and certificates of merit including the Honorary Certificate of Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR.


Source: Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, Volume 2.

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