OSCE Centre in Astana trains judges on combating human trafficking

A total of 250 judges from all of Kazakhstan's regions were trained on the use of international legal instruments in preventing and combating human trafficking, and in the prosecution of traffickers.
The two-day workshops were led by international and national experts. Participants analysed judicial practice in human trafficking criminal cases and the proper application of relevant national legislation, the OSCE Centre in Astana said.
"The rule of law is key in the fight against human trafficking in order to ensure effective investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases and to protect the human rights of victims," said Ambassador Zarudna, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Astana. "The OSCE Centre in Astana supports Kazakhstan's efforts to address these challenges and to enhance justice systems through training and the promotion of good practices, both in criminal justice as well as civil and administrative proceedings."
The series of training courses was organized by the Centre in Astana together with the US Embassy in Kazakhstan and the Academy for Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.