OSCE Centre supports transparency of public works in Kazakhstan

The events were co-organized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Kazakhstan, construction companies and the non-governmental organization Azamatyk Kuryltay (citizens' convention) with the support of the OSCE Centre in Astana and the local administrations, the OSCE Centre in Astana said.
At the event held in Kyzylorda on 16 November 2012, Yuriy Krivodanov, the Head of the Secretariat of the National Transparency and Sustainable Development Council, said: "As part of the initiative, we interviewed people living in 55 towns and villages in three regions along the construction site, and companies employees, to hear their opinions, experiences and expectations about the construction project. This information will help us fully assess its regional implications."
The OSCE Centre supports the establishment of TSDECs, which aim to achieve more transparency, better accountability, good governance and wider public participation in monitoring the construction project's implementation in Kazakhstan.