OSCE may learn a lot from Kazakhstan - conference at Center for Strategic and International Studies

sp;WASHINGTON. December 7. KAZINFORM The OSCE may learn learn a lot from Kazakhstan. This was said at the conference at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, where the agenda of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the Organization was presented. As the Kazakh Embassy's press service reports, leading American and European experts on the OSCE presented their final report on the results of the work "Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the OSCE - challenges and opportunities".

The document represents total analysis of the American OSCE Task Force and experts on Central Asia, security, energy, American NGO, and former ambassadors of the USA to the OSCE were in its structure.

Expert of the Jamestown Foundation Vladimir Sokor was the main reporter at the conference. He emphasized that in the military-political dimension major challenges for Kazakhstan will be frozen conflicts, CFE Treaty and other issues. But the country will face great opportunities, because, in the expert's opinion, people understand, that the issues of so-called 'new architecture of the European security' can be and should be discussed at the OSCE platform.

In the humanitarian dimension Kazakhstan should be ready for increased attention of the world public to the domestic policy processes, and the country's correspondence to so-called 'the OSCE obligations in the democracy field'. The expert noted that none can deny that Kazakhstan is one of the brightest examples at the OSCE space on maintenance of tolerance, stability and security. Despite the difficult geopolitical situation in the region, Kazakhstan succeeded in construction of strong and stable state with successfully developing economy and effective management system, and quality management of natural resources. This confirms that the OSCE would do well to learn from Kazakhstan. In this connection, V.Sokor noted, that taking into account Kazakhstan's achievements in the Organization's three dimensions, the country has a right to pretend on holding the OSCE summit in 2010.

The conference was held on the next day after the successful Kazakhstan's participation in the plenary session of the Council of the OSCE foreign ministers in Athens. The official representatives, experts, NGOs, and the US diplomatic corps were interested in how Kazakhstan plans to strengthen the political role of the Helsinki Final Act, work over promotion of tolerance at the OSCE space, solve the issues of the energy security in Europe and others.

The conference participants agreed on that it is necessary to focus on the projects, promote strengthening mutual understanding, confidence between the countries, and the OSCE role in the system of international relations. They noted that Kazakhstan's chairmanship is unique event, because Kazakhstan will be the fist post-Soviet country with predominantly Muslim population, which will head the OSCE.

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