OSCE promotes organic farming in Kazakhstan

SHYMKENT. KAZINFORM - Sustainable agricultural development and green growth principles were in focus at an OSCE-supported seminar, which took place today in Shymkent, southern Kazakhstan.

The second in a series of three events on the state's role in providing incentives for agribusiness is co-organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and the Coalition for a Green Economy and G-Global Development aimed to assist the host country in its transition to a green economy. The previous seminar was conducted in Kyzylorda, southern Kazakhstan in July 2015, Kazinform has learnt from www.osce.org.astana .

Some 40 farmers and entrepreneurs gathered to learn about national and international best practices as well as to review the needs and benefits of new legislation to promote organic farming, which is currently under development. Discussions focused on the system of voluntary certification of organic products and the government-supported incentives to apply best technologies and proven methods to improve land fertility in agriculture. Mirco Guenther, Deputy Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, said: "Organic farming shows real promise in Kazakhstan. Supportive legislation that addresses the needs of the farmers and contains effective incentives to agribusiness would contribute to the development of the organic agriculture sector in the country." Turganbek Ospanov, Deputy Head of the Department of Agriculture of the South Kazakhstan region said: "For the purpose of economic development and improvement of living standards, the government encourages the introduction of innovative technologies in agriculture and land management as well as support long-term financing for farmers and facilitates access to markets for their products. In addition, research institutions are actively working on the development and improvement of organic products." The event is part of the Office's long-standing efforts to promote green growth and sustainable development principles in the host country. Photo details

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