19:33, 19 December 2009 | GMT +5
Our governments will make every effort to form Single Economic Space - U. Shukeyev
ALMATY. December 19. KAZINFORM. /Daniyar Sikhimbayev/ The governments of the three states prepared an Action Plan on formation of the Single Economic Space and Joint Declaration of the heads of the states that the Customs Union enters into force on January 1, 2010. First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Umirzak Shukeyev has said it at the CIS Informal Summit in Almaty today.

He noted that all EurAsEC member states have an opportunity to join the Customs Union. "The date of final formation of the Single Economic Space - January 1, 2012 - is fixed in the Joint Declaration. The governments of the three states will do every effort to enter the WTO", the Vice Premier stressed.
It was noted that the Customs Union is a new breakthrough stage of integration between the three states. Its creation was dictated by the real economic needs. Its main purpose is high living standards, sustainable economic and social development of the member states. The new alliance will promote mutual trade, raise competitiveness of products and open new prospects for investments.