12:35, 24 March 2009 | GMT +5
Our priority- meet audience's expectations ? TV Khabar Director General
ALMATY. March 23. KAZINFORM /Aigul Turysbekova/ - From March 23rd Khabar TV channel increases the number of live broadcast news blocks which will report breaking news with words ?right now? and ?at this very moment? - Director General of Khabar Agency JSC Gulnar Iksanova told in an interview to Kazinform.
- Dear Gulnar Mustakhimovna, television is known to have been the ?window on world?. Is this expression still proper to use in the century of information technologies?
- Yes, of course there are a lot of sources of information in the world. Nowadays people replace television with the internet which is conditioned by the globalization processes. There is serious competition between the television, internet and niche channels. However the television helps study the social demographic groups, and influence everything what ever is typical of human nature.
Today Khabar offers a more expanded product. Every common-sense individual is interested in business information, economic and financial events. We are increasing the informational and analytical business-oriented programs. Daily news will include business reviews. Today?s target of the television is to clarify and help people meet the new challenges and make right decisions. Social and economic events in the country will be given priority.
- The information space has no limits. Kazakhstan is influenced by the immense flow of information, therefore the national TV product must be competitive. Unfortunately a lot of Kazakhstan citizens are not aware of many problems disturbing the community...
- There are fixed world standards of television, there is a principle of ?watching TV? and results of various sociological studies. We do not need to invent anything new. Russian and western channels give an example of highly technological television. Advanced technologies and communication with viewers are our foreground principles. To ensure the competitiveness of the TV product we should use all technological achievements and present the viewers the prospects, the plans of the Government, President and government agencies, and not just broadcast but personify any information material. This will ensure a good result.
- What can your channel offer to compete with the Internet?
- We have created SOS- Feedback Service program. It is about electronic government, very dynamic and is designed very efficiently in terms of technologies. Every Wednesday it reports the breaking news about the e-government and internet technologies. The main aim of this program is to lay the feedback between the government and people. The electronic government will be operated soon, and it is important that this connection should be effective.
- Our entrepreneurs speak about inapproachable tariffs of advertising time. Can public TV make concessions in this matter?
- Advertisement is the main source of income for mass media, as well as for public mass media. We plan our development based on our income. We cooperate mainly with world brands, and unfortunately many local second-tier banks do not actively use our advertising space. We always make concessions to local businesses. They promote their brands by our commercials, and our news reports inform of their achievements.
- What does your channel need to perform live broadcasting?
- We have the necessary equipment. We are practicing online broadcasting in Betpe-Bet program. The evening news programs are not transmitted live
since all events take place mainly in daytime. However we plan to move to a new option and from March 23rd all news programs will be broadcast live from 9 a.m. till late evening.
- What channel serves as a model for Khabar?
- The world?s best brand programs have been created already. One of the best in presenting information is Russian channel RBK. It has interesting line-up logic. The other one is CNN ? very spectacular live programs with international experts from any part of the USA and Europe broadcast in visual show. These are the best examples for Khabar to follow, and our channel is ready to meet the needs of our audience.