16:00, 15 January 2013 | GMT +5
Over 10 killed, some 100 injured in Egypt's train derailment
MOSCOW. January 15. KAZINFORM At least 12 people were killed and 96 injured after a train with military recruits crashed on Tuesday near the Egyptian capital of Cairo, Al Jazeera reported.

The train, carrying young conscripts, was en route from southern Egypt to a military camp in Cairo, when it derailed in the Giza neighborhood of Badrashin.
All injured in the tragic accident were taken to nearby hospitals, while investigators are working at the scene to establish the cause of the crash.
Egypt has a poor record of railway safety. Last November a train rammed into a school bus killing 50 people, mainly school children. The incident led tothe resignation of the country's transport minister.
The worst railway accident in Egypt took place in 2002, when over 360 people were killed in a train fire.
Source: RIA Novosti