15:31, 10 December 2012 | GMT +5
Over 1800 enterprises financed within Business Road Map - 2020
ASTANA. December 10. KAZINFORM Over 1800 enterprises of Kazakhstan receive state support within the Business Road Map - 2020 Program, Chairperson of "Damu" Entrepreneurship Development Fund Lyazzat Ibragimova said speaking at a briefing of the official representatives of the Central Communications Service under the President of Kazakhstan.

"Over 1800 Kazakhstani entrepreneurs receive financial support under the Business Road Map - 2020 Program," L.Ibragimova said.
According to her, over 24 billion tenge of subsidies were paid to Kazakhstani companies within the framework of the Program. At the same time, these companies paid 58 billion tenge of taxes to the national budget.
Besides, 136 thousand people were employed with the companies financed under the Program within the framework of creation of social effect. 31 thousand new jobs will be created due to opening of new companies and plants as well.
Source: Kazakh PM's webiste