19:59, 24 January 2019 | GMT +6
Over 1trln tenge invested in Astana in 2018
ASTANA. KAZINFORM 1trln56bln tenge of investments was attracted to Astana economy in 2018, according to Chief of the local Investments and Entrepreneurship Development Department Alisher Abdykadyrov said a briefing today, astana.gov.kz informs.
In his words, 86% of finances coming to Astana are private investments.
"What is more important is that 71% of all investments are provided by small businessу. It means that 750bln tenge were invested namely by SMEs," he explained.
Real estate operations and transport remain the main areas for investing.
"2trln tenge was allocated from the national budget to Astana in the past 20 years. 6trln tenge has already been paid back," he added.