Over 200 villages in Kazakhstan need healthcare facilities

At today’s meeting of the Cabinet, Minister Azhar Giniyat raised the problem of access to healthcare countrywide, Kazinform reports.

Over 200 villages in Kazakhstan need healthcare facilities
Photo: Alexandr Pavskiy, Kazinform

According to her, 3.3 million people remain uncovered with Compulsory Social Health Insurance. The biggest number of those uninsured is observed in Zhetysu, Almaty, Zhambyl regions and in Shymkent.

Meanwhile, Kostanay, Akmola, North Kazakhstan, Turkistan and West Kazakhstan regions feel lack in qualified health personnel.

Another issue raised was unsatisfactory infrastructure of healthcare facilities.

For instance, as Azhar Giniyat said, 200 rural settlements are lack of medical facilities. Buildings and medical equipment are worn out by 56% and 50% respectively.

“21% of Kazakhstani adults smoke, 20% of children are overweight, and 6% suffer from obesity. 10% of teens regularly use e-cigarettes, 17.5% drink energy and sweetened beverages. 15% of teens have excessive weight,” the Minister added.

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