Over 30,000 Astana citizens watch open-air broadcast of 2024 Paris Olympics opening

Paris Olympics
Photo: Astana's administration office

Up to 30 thousand people gathered to watch the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games in seven locations across the Kazakh capital of Astana, Kazinform News Agency cites the press service of the Astana’s administration office.

Today, the Olympic Games are to be opened in Paris. 12 athletes from the capital are to vie in the Games, earning 14 berths in seven sports. A majority of them are tennis players, including Yulia Putintseva, Alexander Bublik, Aleksandr Nedovyesov, and Alexander Shevchenko. Fight for an Olympic gold medal will certainly be difficult and tense. I’m well aware of the excitement before the start each athlete feels, as I myself took part in several Olympics, representing our team. I know how important it could be for each of them to hear the words of support and wishes of good luck before the serious challenge, said boxer Vasily Levit, head of the physical culture and sport department of Astana city.

Paris Olympics
Photo: Astana's administration office

A live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games was available in the Central Park across from the Kazakhstan Tennis Federation (Beeline Arena); on LED screens within the territory of Mega SilkWay shopping mall, on Turan Avenue-Kunayev Street, Momyshuly-Tauelsizdik Avenues, on the screen within the EXPO international exhibition center, and at Arbat (Embankment).


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