Over 40% of Kostanay flood victims provided with new accommodation

Over 40% of Kostanay flood victims provided with new accommodation
Photo credit: Akimat of Kostanay region

In the Kostanay region, assistance to flood victims continues to be provided. To date, 74 families of the Kostanay district whose houses could not be restored received new housing, Kazinform News Agency reports.

On behalf of the Head of State, all victims are provided with comprehensive assistance. The state provides unprecedented support measures, including compensation for damages, payment of social assistance, restoration of houses, and construction of new ones in cases where restoration is not feasible. 

Over 40% of Kostanay flood victims provided with new accommodation
Photo credit: Akimat of Kostanay region

In addition to the housewarming, the affected families of the Kostanay region received compensation for lost property and social assistance. The total amount of payments was 191.3 million tenge.
The repair works are already underway in all the houses to be restored. It is anticipated that they will be completed by June 15 of this year, with the construction of new houses scheduled for completion by the end of summer.

Over 40% of Kostanay flood victims provided with new accommodation
Photo credit: Akimat of Kostanay region

Furthermore, the public fund "Qazaqstan Halqyna" has initiated the construction of 88 individual houses in the Kostanay, Amangeldy, and Dzhangeldy districts of the region.
BAZIS-A Company has initiated the construction of a 50-unit residential complex in Arkalyk town. The apartments will be made available to residents of Arkalyk, Amangeldy, and Dzhangeldy districts who have been affected by the disaster.
Additionally, 15 houses are planned for construction in the "Kunai" district of Kostanay, with eight already underway.
The state offers two options for compensation: the construction of a new house or the purchase of a pre-existing apartment on the secondary market.
The damage assessment commission has determined that 475 houses in the Kostanay region are beyond repair. Currently, 208 residents have been provided with new housing, representing 43.7% of those affected. The apartments will be transferred to the ownership of the residents.

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