Over 427 thou people receive COVID-19 vaccines in Kyzylorda rgn
It is planned to immunize over 452 thousand people to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19 in Kyzylorda region. That accounts for 60% of the total population. As of now, a total of 427,146 people or 94.4% of the eligible population have received the first component of COVID-19 vaccines in the region. The second component has been given to 419,891 people or 92.8% of the eligible population.
«The region's center accounts for most COVID-19 vaccinations. High vaccination rates are reported in Aralsk, Kazalinsk, and Zhanakorgansk districts. Vaccination coverage is high among medical workers, teachers, and security officials in terms of specialty. The region has so far reported no complications after immunization,»said the region's sanitary-epidemiological control department.