Over 480,000 get booster shots in Kazakh capital

NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM «71.6% of eligible population for vaccination in the Kazakh capital city were administered the 1st jab of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 67.5% of eligible population were fully vaccinated,» chief state sanitary doctor of Nur-Sultan Sarkhat Beissenova said.

As of today, 509,853 people in Nur-Sultan received the 1st jab, while 481,177 fully completed the vaccination cycle.

She stressed that only 31.9% of eligible people were revaccinated in the city. 16,000 people out of eligible contingent received the Pfizer vaccine. 9,876 of them are teens, 5,673 are nursing moms and 361 are pregnant women.

She highlighted that the level and duration of the herd immunity would depend on the number of vaccinated people which would let curb further virus spread and mutation as well as spark of new outbreaks.

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