Over 50 mln doses of COVID-19 vaccines to be produced in Russia by May
«We can say that the production plan for vaccines increases every month. If our vaccine production plan in February was approximately 7 mln doses, then in March we will significantly increase this figure <...>. It is planned that in May 2021 the total production volume will amount to more than 50 mln sets of vaccines,» she said at a roundtable on the development of national pharmaceutical industry at the Federation Council.
According to her, as of March 1, 7,885,000 sets of the Sputnik V vaccine and 45,000 doses of EpiVacCorona have been released into civilian circulation. She added that currently the CoviVac vaccine is undergoing control and in case of its successful completion, the preparation is expected to be released in the second half of March.
«We have a certain trend shaped that there is a constant growth of vaccination stations that will allow us to ensure the possibility to expand the inoculation campaign while the vaccine production increases,» she concluded.