Over 830,000 Kazakhstanis to receive targeted social support - Minister Saparbayev

ASTANA. KAZINFORM On Thursday, at the Governmental sitting, Minister of Labour and Social Protection Berdibek Saparbayev talked about the measures of support of low-income and large families, Kazinform correspondent reports.

"At the jubilee congress of Nur Otan Party, the Head of State initiated a number of measures of providing targeted aid to low-income and large families which will positively affect the people's well-being," said the Minister.

He said that the amount of targeted social aid will be raised from 14,849 to 20,789 tenge.

"Secondly, allowances for low-income families and mothers of many children awarded with Altyn Alqa and Kumis Alqa pendants as well as children's disability allowances and students' maintenance allowances will be excluded from the aggregate family income, while designating targeted social aid," said Saparbayev.

Besides, children from low-income families (under 18 and under 23, given that they continue their studies) will be paid 20,789 tenge of guaranteed monthly aid.

"As a result, these measures will cover more than 830,000 people," he clarified.

The amendments will be submitted for the consideration of the Republican Budget Commission in March.

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