11:14, 07 June 2022 | GMT +6
Over 850,000 teens get COVID-19 vaccine
NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM The Kazakh Healthcare Ministry updated the Pfizer vaccination rates nationwide, Kazinform learnt from the Telegram Channel of the Interdepartmental Commission for preventing COVID-19 spread.
As of June 6, some 1,194,774 people were administered the Pfizer vaccine 1st jab, while 1,066,076 received both. 858, 275 teens, 40,531 pregnant women, and 132,021 breastfeeding moms were given the 1st jab, 813,582 teens, 36,392 pregnant women, and 132,021 nursing moms fully completed the vaccination cycle.
As earlier reported, over the past 24 hours Kazakhstan confirmed 10 new coronavirus infections raising the country’s tally to 1,305,798.