Over 86 000 school-leavers to take UNT examination in 2016

ASTANA. KAZINFORM 86 991 school-leavers will participate in the Unified National Testing this year. Chairman of the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Kazakh Ministry of Education of Science Sayan Nyussupov told a press conference today.

“121 091 students will graduate from schools this year. 83 330 of them will finish Kazakh-language schools and 37 762 will finish Russian-language schools. 86 991 school-leavers have already applied for the Unified National Testing. 63 021 decided to take the examination in Kazakh, while 23 970 chose the Russian language,” Nyussupov said.

According to him, the UNT format will be not changes in 2016. The testing will run from June 2 to June 15 at 166 specially equipped facilities across the country.

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