19:54, 03 December 2009 | GMT +5
Over KZT 5 bln for Road Map's realization in 2010 - Astana Mayor
ASTANA. December 3. KAZINFORM /Damir Baimanov/ Astana will continue implementing the Road Map Program next year; over KZT 5 bln are expected to be allocated for this purpose. Mayor of the city Imangali Tasmagambetov has made it public today.

"These funds will be directed for realization of a number of important projects and landscaping the city. Around 3 thousand people will be employed due to this", he said.
The Mayor reminded of allocation of about KZT 10 bln for the Program's implementation in 2009. 116 projects were developed, 101 of them have already been put into service.
"As a result, over 4, 064 people have been employed and KZT 8 bln have been utilized. That makes 86.5% of all allotted money. The rest of the funds will be utilized by year end", Tasmagambetov resumed.