Paid parking to be introduced in the center of Astana

Situations with parkings has a trend of exasperation caused by increasing number of cars. As a result of growing demand for parking lots convenience of living in the city declines, as well as efficiency of transport system functioning.
Previously this problem was solved by creating of additional areas for parking, construction of car parks and parking areas. The practice shows that it's impossible to achieve necessary positive effect with with measures only. Modern international experience shows that introduction of regulated parking in large cities is a reasonable necessity.
The solution of this situation consists of three challenges: development of road net, public transport system, construction of municipal parking areas and car parks, and creation of facilities for use of alternative kinds of transport.
Considering holding of the International specialized exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana, the city akimat has reached a decision on alternate introduction of paid parking system: first of all in the historical center, and later in the new administrative center of the capital.
European specialists have been invited to develop the program of parking areas and techno-economic justification development. At the first stage of realization, differentiated payment will be taken within the territory which includes up to 20 thousand parking lots along the driveways and in courtyard territories. As a result of the project realization, there will be lowering of the load on the road net and increasing of its traffic capacity, increasing of road safety, improvement of investment prospects of new parking lots creation, increasing of income in the budget of Astana. Proceeds from paid parking area will be directed at development of transport infrastructure of the city including construction of municipal parking areas.
Introduction of the first stage on the right bank of Esil river is to be realized in the second half of 2014.