16:13, 25 December 2019 | GMT +5
Passenger gives birth to baby inside local train in E Kazakhstan
ZHARMA. KAZINFORM - A woman gave birth to a baby boy on a train at Zharma Station on Tuesday, the press service of «Passazhirskiye perevozki» JSC informs.

The mother and her baby were taken to hospital and are in good health, the woman’s husband informed.
According to the «Passazhirskiye perevozki» JSC, the woman was traveling on the Ust-Kamenogorsk-Almaty line when she started to feel labor pains.
The train crew and a paramedic, who was travelling on the train, helped with the baby’s birth. Later at Zharma station the woman and her baby were met by an emergency response team.
The baby boy, who was named Matvey, weighed 2.7 kg. It was informed that he has two elder sisters.
Photo credit: www.marimedia.ru