19:42, 04 March 2014 | GMT +5
Pavlodar region: LLP “KSP” Steel raises salaries
PAVLODAR. KAZINFORM - "Supporting state social policy, we decided to raise all employees' wages by 10 per cent" told our correspondent General Director of "KSP Steel" Edward Kramer.
In line with the social program, the company will build a 72 apartment house in Pavlodar. "The city granted an allotment and as soon technical documents are approved, we will begin construction of a residential building," said E.Kreymer. The Pavlodar branch of LLP will stick to the social program despite the reduction in production volumes. Today metallurgical production does not have enough raw materials, that is why the capacity is used by 25-30 percent, but, according to Edward Kramer, there will not be job cuts.
Today 5.3 thousand people work for the Pavlodar branch "KSP Steel". It also must be said that investment projects on ferrocaluminium silicon smelting and creation of ball-rolling production are realized here.